In this article, you will get an overview about Credit Card Information Migration
Fast lane
- Ensure the current PSP is professional and supports token migration.
- Initiate the migration process to Finion Pay (Adyen).
- Allow the data transmission between the old PSP and Adyen.
Overview of Credit Card Information Migration
In this article, you will learn about the process for migrating credit card information to Magicline for studios with hundreds of members. If your studio uses a professional Payment Service Provider (PSP), it is possible to migrate the tokens to Magicline Payments (Adyen). This allows your studio to continue charging membership fees recurrently without disruption.
Steps for Migration
1. Ensure your current PSP supports token migration.
2. Contact Magicline support to initiate the migration process.
3. The data transmission will be handled directly between the old PSP and Adyen.
4. Confirm the successful migration of tokens with Magicline support.
Important Notes
- The studio itself doesn’t have to perform any direct actions during the migration process.
- It is crucial that the current PSP is professional and capable of transferring token data securely to Adyen.
- The security and integrity of credit card information is maintained throughout the process.