In this article, you'll learn how to use automatic archiving and anonymization of member data to optimize data protection and increase efficiency in your studio.
- Overview and Importance
- Archiving
- Anonymization
- Checks Before Archiving
- Configuration and Activation of Settings
- Activation for a Studio
- Management of Archived Members
- Benefits for Data Protection and Efficiency
Overview and Importance
Automatic archiving and anonymization are powerful features for optimizing your data protection management. They help you manage inactive member and prospect data in compliance with GDPR and reduce manual effort.
During archiving, selected customer records are removed from all active overviews and search functions. The data is not deleted but securely stored and can be restored if necessary. Important to note:
- Some data, such as App-Connect information, is lost during archiving.
- Certain information (e.g., photos, documents) can optionally be permanently deleted during archiving.
- Archived members can be viewed and restored with the appropriate permission.
Anonymization is the next step after archiving. Here, all personal data of the selected members is permanently removed. Anonymized records:
- Are permanently removed from all overviews and search functions.
- Cannot be restored.
- Contain no references to the original person.
Checks Before Archiving
Before a member is archived, the system automatically performs various checks to ensure that no active business relationships or open transactions exist. A member is excluded from the archiving process if, for example:
- Active contracts are present
- The account is not balanced
- Open credits or quotas exist
- Future bookings are pending
- An active dunning process is ongoing
- An active check-in exists
- Open studio tasks are present
- The member is acting as a payer for other customers
- It is registered as a legal representative for other customers
These checks ensure that only member data that is unproblematic from a business and legal perspective is archived.
Configuration and Activation of Settings
- Navigate to: Settings Studio Data Protection
- Create a new configuration or select an existing one
- Configure the settings for archiving and anonymization:
- Give the configuration a unique name
- Specify which data should be archived and which should be deleted
- Determine the periods for archiving and anonymization
- Deleting the App-Connect is irreversible during archiving.
- Configurations can be shared and activated for multiple studios.
- Only one configuration can be active per studio at any time.
Activation for a Studio
- Go to the overview of configurations
- Right-click on the context menu of the desired configuration
- Select “Manage Activation”
- Activate the configuration for the desired studio
Management of Archived Members
Access archived members: Members Archived Members
In this overview, you can:
- View all archived members
- Search for specific members
- Restore individual members if necessary (requires appropriate permission)
To reactivate a member, use the “Restore Member” option in the context menu of the respective entry.
Benefits for Data Protection and Efficiency
Automatic archiving and anonymization support you in:
- Data Minimization: Inactive data is systematically removed from the active system
- Implementation of the “Right to be Forgotten”: Personal data is automatically and permanently anonymized
- Transparency: Clear processes for data retention and deletion
- Data Security: Archived data is securely stored but not accessible in the active system
- Efficiency: Reduced manual effort for GDPR-compliant data management
- Flexibility: Ability to use different configurations for different studios
By using this feature, you demonstrate a proactive approach to data protection and minimize the risk of data breaches while increasing the efficiency of your data management.