In this article, you will learn where credit card information is technically stored when using our Payment Services. It explains the role of the external service Adyen in handling credit card details and clarifies what data is retained within our systems.
Overview of the article:
Storage of Credit Card information
When using our Payments Services, credit card data is securely managed to ensure compliance and data protection. Sensitive credit card information, such as the full card number and CVC, is never stored within our System or the App environments. Instead, we use the external payment service provider Adyen to handle and process credit card information.
Data Stored in our system
When a credit card is added to a customer’s profile through our system, the system retains only non-sensitive details, such as:
- Account holder
- Card brand
- Expiration date
- The last four digits of the credit card number
After encrypting the card information, it is forwarded to Adyen, which then provides us with a secure token. This token, along with the unsensitive information listed above, is the only data that remains in our database.
Data in our Apps
The system does not store or process any credit card information. All sensitive data remains within Adyen’s secure environment, ensuring that we don't have direct access to sensitive credit card details.