This article is about: Setting up the Active key for USB magnetic card reader
Quick Setup Guide:
Connect the card reader to the computer using a USB cable.
Open check-in in the Magicline
Select “Member Name / Card Number” (top left)
the card through the card reader.
Would you like to connect an AK980 USB magnetic card reader from Active Key to your Magicline and thus control your check-in? Here you can find out what needs to be considered when setting up.
How to set-up the card-reader
First connect the card reader to your computer with a USB cable. Once the device has been detected, open your Magicline software and go to the check-in area . At the top left you will find the field member name / card number. Click on the box, then swipe a card through the reader. Now the card number appears on the screen of your Magicline. If the displayed number is already assigned to a member, you have even just completed your first successful check-in.
Pay attetion the following at check-in:
Your magnetic cards must always be precoded, otherwise no data can be read.
Always make sure that you click in the check-in field or the cursor is blinking in the check-in field before swiping the card.
The device only supports manual check-in mode. You can find out what the exact difference is between manual and automatic check-in mode after clicking on the button.
How to assign cards to members
Open the profile of the member you want to assign a card to.
Click on the three dots in the tile with the member name and then on Add a new access card .
A new window will now open. Click in the white line again (to the left of the Read button) and swipe your card through the reader - the card number will appear in the field.
Finally, Save . Finished. The card is now assigned to the member.