This article is about: The creation of compensations and what the different specifications do.
Quick guide:
Finance / Compensation
Create compensation
What is a compensation?
Compensation gives you the opportunity to offer compensation to your members from whom you have continued to collect dues during a studio closure.
How does the issuance of compensation work?
Compensations can either be credited directly to your members or selected by your members themselves via MySports / Self-Service. For selection via MySports, a MySports Premium subscription is required to unlock the self-service for your members.
Create compensation
Under Finances / Compensation you can start the creation process by clicking the button Create Compensation. A window appears where you define the basic data of the compensation in the first step. You can also define for which studios you want to create a compensation.
Compensation reason
Here you can enter a description for the compensation. Enter a meaningful description here, so that you can understand the reason for the compensation later on.
Note: If you want to leave the selection of the compensation via MySports to your members, the reason entered here will be displayed in the overview of available compensations in MySports / Self-Service .
Compensation period
With the selection of the compensation period you specify for which period the compensation should be created. The Magicline uses this data to identify the members with compensation entitlement.
The following criteria are applied:
The member has an active contract on at least 1 day in the specified period.
The member is not in a contract or member rest period or bonus period in the specified time period.
Tip: It is recommended to create the compensations on a monthly basis. This will help avoid compensating members who only had a partial active contract during the period in question.
Claiming method
Here you specify how your members will receive the compensation.
Immediately means that the compensation is credited to them immediately after it is created. The member does not have to do anything else, the Magicline does the crediting automatically.
MySports means that your members have to select the compensation on their own via MySports / Self-Service. Please note that you need a MySports Premium subscription for this function.
Compensation options
Here you specify the type of compensation you want to credit to your members. There are a total of 5 options to choose from:
Bonus period
Membership voucher
Consumption credit
Waiver (MySports only)
Redemption period (MySports only)
If you want to let your members do the redemption via MySports / Self-Service, you can define here in which period the redemption can take place. You can set a start date in the future, if you want to allow the redemption of the compensation only from a certain date. After the redemption period has expired, the redemption of the compensation in MySports will be automatically deactivated.
Member selection
You have the possibility to choose which members are eligible for the compensation. Here you have two options.
All members (default setting): This means that all members will be checked to see if compensation can be awarded.
Select member list: You can select a member list if you uncheck it. Then you can select a member list that you have saved in your active studio.
Additionally you have the option to deactivate the default filter for rest and bonus times. If you select this option, compensations will be created even if an affected member has received a rest or bonus time in the selected compensation period.
By the way, if you create compensation for several studios, the filter criteria of the member list will be applied to all members of the selected studios.