This article is about: recent changes to SEPA XML files as mandated by the EPC and how they affect Magicline users.
- Background
- Current changes to SEPA XML files
- Transition period
- Magicline approach
- What you should know as a Magicline user
SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) XML files are used for processing payments within the European Union. As early as 2023, the European Payments Council (EPC) decided to make changes to these files and implemented them. The focus here is on using only structured addresses in the XML files.
By using structured addresses, banks and payment service providers can process payments faster and more accurately, leading to improved efficiency and customer satisfaction. The EPC document provides practical guidelines and examples to facilitate the implementation of structured addresses and maximize benefits for all parties involved.
Current changes to SEPA XML files
From November 2025, SEPA XML files must comply with the new European regulations. These regulations require a different structure of direct debit files. While some banks may manually implement the new standard, the transition period extends until November 2025. These updated guidelines build on previous ones and consider possible changes and adjustments in payment transactions until 2025. This also ensures that all banks must still accept the 2019 version of the SEPA XML file until this deadline and process all transactions through it.
Transition period
The European Payments Council (EPC) has clarified the impact of the exclusive use of structured addresses from November 23, 2025. This transition period allows payment service providers and participants to gradually adapt to the new regulations.
Magicline approach
Magicline is aware of the changes and their impact on payment processing, especially for MemberCash payments. However, Magicline will continue to use the current version of SEPA XML files from 2019 until the end of 2024. The switch to the new version will take place once stable operational processes are observed in the banking system.
What you should know as a Magicline user
Magicline assures its users that the switch to the new version of the SEPA XML file will occur in a timely manner and without interruptions. We will inform you about the format change as part of our updates.