This article is about: The setup of the online trial training
Quick guide to setting up online trial training?
Settings / Services / Trial training
Three-point menu / "Activate online booking".
Enter data
With the online trial training you create the perfect channel to direct new members to your studio! Only a few settings are necessary to activate this function.
How do I activate the trial training?
Under Settings / Services / Trial Training you configure all requirements of your trial training.
In the header you will find the three-dot-menu in the upper right corner, where you have to activate the trial training for online bookings. To do this, simply click on the option Activate online booking in the context menu.
What settings can you make?
Here you can set the presentation for the trial training. A photo gives the interested parties a personal impression of your studio. In addition, you should also add a description to briefly point out the advantages of your studio and the process of the trial training.
For the data entry, you can also specify which Lead's data you would like to request from the interested party. The name and email address should always be mandatory - but the address may prevent some prospects from booking.
In addition, the trial training behaves like a normal appointment service and can therefore get required resources or be provided with booking conditions.
So you can enable the trial training without a trainer, but thus also enable many simultaneous appointment bookings. Alternatively you set as usual either a direct trainer as a resource or a desired employee skill, e.g. "trainer", to enable an automatic appointment distribution between several trainers.
Independent of the required trainer, you can also set the possible time window for trial trainings via restrictions, e.g. you can enable these appointments only on certain weekdays or only in the evenings.
You can also add further booking rules, such as how quickly interested parties can book an appointment or by when they have to cancel it.
Especially for trial trainings, an appointment reminder is very important to significantly increase the attendance rate. For this purpose, you can define the time before the appointment starts (e.g. 2 hours in advance) under Booking options/Appointment reminders. You can set the text and the type of appointment reminder (e-mail or SMS) in the communication area(Communication / Administration / Notification rules / Appointment reminder).