In this article you will learn: Putting members' contracts on hold
Quick guide:
- Member details / Active contractstile
- Three-item menu of the contract, select "Set a membership residual due" .
- Fill in details
- Save
Unfortunately, it happens - a member does not meet his payments despite all efforts and measures. To deal with this situation, you can make the member's contract "due for payment". This means that the member's contract receivables are due immediately, and the contract is terminated in this process. You can choose whether you want to charge the member for the full amount of the contract or proportionally. Last but not least, you can decide whether you want to restrict the member's access.
How to do it.
Go to the detail page of the defaulting member. There you will find the tile Active contracts. In the three-item menu of the contract you will find - if you have the appropriate rights - the option Set a membership residual due.
A window will open where you can define all necessary details. At the top, you will see a list of all outstanding contract receivables - calculated up to the end of the contract. This gives you a direct overview of all the relevant information.
Now you can specify whether you want to make the contract due in full or on a pro-rata basis. In the latter case, you have the option of specifying either the amount of the claim or the end of billing.
All premiums that are billed (pro rata) based on these settings will be due IMMEDIATELY.
Contract termination & access restriction
The contract will be terminated including all additional modules and flat rates.
It is not unlikely that you will not want to grant access to the member in the future. We have already preselected this option for you. However, this can be changed with one click.
Transfer receivables to collection
This is very simple. All you have to do is tick the "Send receivables to collection" box and the contributions that have just fallen due will be sent directly to collection. Practical thing.
If you have not yet activated the app of our partner Finion FairPay, you will see the option "Activate collection transfer" instead of the option "Transfer receivables to collection". All you have to do is enter a few details and you can then transfer your outstanding contract receivables to the collection service.
Automated termination letter
As with a regular cancellation, we also offer you the option to send the member the appropriate cancellation letter. We have created all the necessary variants for you as a template - cancellation letter for proportional and complete remaining due date as well as inclusive and exclusive collection transfer for our customers in Germany.
What happens after saving the entries?
Active contracts" tile
The contract is marked with a red note, which reveals at first glance that the contract is due for payment (and has been cancelled). Details are expanded as usual by clicking on the contract.
Tile "Idle periods and access restriction"
As with the manual creation of an access restriction in the Idle periods and access restriction tile, both the tile and the entire page are marked with a red notice.
Member account
All contributions requested in the course of the remaining due date will receive a corresponding red note as well as the current date as due date. All contributions that would have been due after the new contract end date (the contract has been cancelled) will be deleted. As with any other termination.
In the case of contracts with a pro rata remaining due date, it is possible that premium claims will be cancelled or reduced. This is also shown.
Membership history
The actions taken are also shown here. You can see in retrospect who and when the contract became due and which options were selected.
The generated (and, if applicable, sent) termination letter can be found with the member in the Messages section. Via the three-dot menu on the right side you have many options, here are some examples: View message, download message or print message.
Undoing a due date
As usual, you go to the three-point menu of the contract that is due for payment and select the option Undo remaining due at the bottom. A window will open listing the contracts for which you will cancel the remaining due date. A quick click on the Undo button - that's it!
Undoing of a payment on account where the receivables have been transferred to the collection agency
In this case our partner Finion FairPay will be informed automatically. There the files will be checked and processed accordingly. Any receivables that have already been collected will be refunded to the member.
The remaining due date cannot be withdrawn if the file has already been positively closed or the claim is time-barred.