In this article you will learn to: Create assessment questions
Quick guide to creating anamnesis questions:
Training world / Assessment / Questions
Click on Create assessment question and define question
Select answer type, specify answer options if required and save
Assessment questions form is the basis for the design of your anamnesis sheets. Here you can individually define questions for your conversations with members and then combine them into various case history forms.
Create assessment questions
In your Magicline, go to Training World / Assessment / Questions and click on Create assessment question in the upper right corner. Then formulate the desired anamnesis question and select the appropriate answer type. You can choose between four different options: Text field, Selection field, Multiple selection fields and Slider .
With the Text field option, you can enter the answer to the question as free text. It can be as long as you want. With the answer type selection fields you can define several answer options in advance and, if required, an explanatory text. When you discuss the question with the member afterwards, you can only select one option. If you want to be able to select more than one answer option, use the Multiple choice fields option. If you use the slider, the defined answer options are displayed on a line where you can set the slider according to the member's answer.
Using the three-dot menu in the line of each anamnesis question you can choose between three options: You can edit, deactivate or delete them. After clicking Edit assessment question , the current settings of the respective question will open. You can change the name, the answer type and also the respective answer options.
If you do not want to use an assessment question in the creation of anamnesis sheets anymore, click on the Deactivate assessment question option. After that, it will no longer be available in the creation of the sheets and the status will be displayed as Inactive. If you are sure that you do not want to activate the question and integrate it into medical history sheets anymore, click Delete assessment question.