In this article, you will learn how to: View and create appointments using the Magicline App
- View upcoming appointments of a member
- Create an appointment for a member
- Cancel an appointment with members
Quick guide to creating a new appointment via the member's profile:
- Click on Members in the navigation bar at the bottom a) For checked-in members: Click on the profile picture of the respective member b) For non-checked-in members: Enter the name of the member in the search bar and click on the profile picture
- In the Upcoming Appointments section, click on Add
- Give the appointment a name and a description
- Select a corresponding category and service
- Find an available slot and click on Save & Close
The member's profile offers various functions, including creating new appointments.
Viewing upcoming appointments of a member
When you open the member's profile, under Upcoming Appointments, you will see all already booked, future appointments of this member.
These could be training plan appointments or courses, for example. If you click on View all, you will see the appointments in detail in an overview.
Creating an appointment for a member
Click on Add in the Upcoming Appointments section to add a new appointment to the calendar. Give the appointment a name and a description, so you or your colleagues can clearly assign it when viewing it in the calendar.
Under Details, the corresponding member is already preselected. Then select a corresponding, previously defined category and service for the appointment. Find an available slot and click on Save & Close.
The appointment will now be displayed in the calendar and in the member's profile.
Cancelling an appointment with members
In your calendar, as described above, you will find all appointments for your studio team. By clicking on the appointment, you open all details.
Now click on Cancel appointment and confirm in the modal by clicking on Delete appointment.
Thus, the appointment is removed from the calendar, and the member is informed about the cancellation.