In this article, you will learn how to configure appointment services to allow multiple bookings and the role of employee skills and shift planning in appointment booking.
- How to configure appointment services to allow multiple bookings
- The role of employee skills and shift planning in appointment booking
Quick Guide:
- Go to Settings / Services / Services and select the desired appointment service.
- Add the necessary resources (in this case, skills) to the selected appointment service.
- Go to Resources / Employees / Employee Skills and edit the number of appointments that can be booked simultaneously.
- Go to Resources / Shifts / Shift Planning and adjust the employee's shifts.
How to configure appointment services to allow multiple bookings
You can configure appointment services in Magicline so that multiple bookings are possible at the same time, if supported by business logic. This depends on the settings of employee skills and employee availability. By default, an appointment service is blocked for further bookings at the same time after a booking to avoid double bookings.
Configure appointment services for multiple bookings:
1. Navigate to Settings / Services / Services in the menu.
2. Select the appointment service you want to offer for multiple bookings.
3. In the Appointment Booking tile, select the option Add Resource.
4. An editing window opens. Select the option Staff for Type and the Skill needed for the appointment for Resource. Save the data to add the resource.
The role of employee skills and shift planning in appointment booking
When an employee is assigned to an appointment service, you can define how many customers can be served simultaneously through the employee skills settings.
Set employee skills:
1. Navigate to Resources / Employees / Employee Skills in the menu.
2. Click on the three-dot menu (⋮) at the end of the row of the respective employee skill to edit it. Select Edit Employee Skill.
3. In the editing window, you can set the number of appointments that can be booked simultaneously for the selected employee skill.
4. Save the changes across all locations to apply the new settings.
Consider shift planning:
- It is important that the employee's shift planning supports the possible parallel bookings.
- Navigate to Resources / Shifts / Shift Planning in the menu and adjust the employee's shifts accordingly to ensure there is enough capacity to cover multiple parallel appointments.
These settings allow multiple people to book the same service at the same time, provided the capacities are set accordingly.