In this article you will learn: How to use your card terminal with your Magicline cash register.
How do I use my card terminal with my cash register?
Then go to the sales module in your Magicline and select the cash register with the configured card terminal. If you are unsure whether the link already exists, please go to the menu Settings / Cash registers/ Cash registers and check there the assignment of the card terminal to the desired cash register.
Put the appropriate products in the shopping cart and select "Card payment" to complete the sale.
Payments are possible with EC card, Mastercard, Visa or American Express. Apple and Google Pay are also supported.
The payment starts automatically on the terminal.
Note: Payments can be canceled via the terminal. -
Follow the instructions on the card terminal.
Once the transaction is complete, your Magicline will close the dialog and offer you to print the receipt. A printer has been assigned to your cash register earlier.
Then you can continue with the next sale in your Magicline.
When a terminal shows an unwanted behavior like
- A sale in the cash register results in an error, although the terminal is turned on and connected to the internet
- The terminal does not react on sales in Magicline
It might be worth a try to reset the configuration of the terminal. Please follow the steps below:
- Do not change anything in Magicline. Ideally, the terminal is connected to Magicline and to the cash register. If this is not the case, please read this article first.
- Enter the admin menu
- For the terminal types v400cPlus and p400, press 9 - Green and enter the admin code 1149.
- For Android terminals, go to settings and enter the admin code 1149.
- Click on Configuration, then on Remove. The terminal will reboot.
- When the terminal is rebooted, click on Board terminal and then on your studio name. If your studio name is not showing, please contact our support.
Now your terminal is boarded again, and the configuration is loaded.
PINs for the terminal
The card terminals have two menus, which are secured with a PIN. These PINs are:
Transaction menu: 9201
Admin menu: 1149