In this article, you will learn how to set up the usage duration for usage services in the price configuration
What's new?
Previously, usage services purchased through device connectivity – such as a beverage flat rate – were strictly speaking one-time affairs. But we've listened to your feedback and expanded the feature. You can now offer these services for an entire day or even for a period of time you define.
How does it work?
We've expanded the usage service dialog box in the price configuration settings area. Here's a simple guide to help you get started:
Go to: Settings / Performance / select a usage service (or create a new one) / Device connectivity
Open the pricing dialog: Go to the 'Create (edit) price configuration' window where you normally manage your quota services.
Select the usage duration: You will find a new dropdown menu labeled 'Usage period'. Click on it, and three options will be displayed:
- One-time use: The good old one-time use. It's still available if you need it.
- Fixed period: Choose this if you want to offer usage for a fixed period. It could be for a few hours or a few weeks – the choice is yours.
- Entire day: This is for those customers looking for a day pass for your services.
Save your settings: After making your selection, simply save your changes and voilà! Your service is now available with flexible usage periods.
Why it's great?
This new feature brings a wealth of benefits:
- Customization: Tailor the availability of services to the needs of your customers.
- Increased revenue: Offer more versatile pricing models that can lead to increased sales.
- Improved user experience: Give your customers the choice of what works best for them and make their experience with your services even more memorable.