In this article you will learn:
How to change plans without renewal (ie with a limited term) with a one-off payment
Quick Guide:
Go to Settings / Membership management / Rates
Select 'No membership extension' under "Create/edit term"
Select "Recurring" for "Payment Frequency", with payment interval = payment term
Here's how
First go to Settings / Membership management / Rates and select a Rate, or create a new one using the New Rate button at the top right.
Then click on Add Term , specify the desired contract duration (in the example 3 months) and select the option no membership extension .
Once you have created and saved the runtime, set the payment method by clicking on Add payment frequency . Select Recurring here. The following entries must correspond exactly to those of the rate, i.e. in the example "Every 3 months 99 euros".
Please note: Only if the details of the duration of the term and the time interval of the recurring payment are exactly the same can the payment in the sales tool and in the contract documents be shown as "one-time". It would not work e.g. "12 months" for the term and "1 year" for the payment interval.
If you offer non-renewable contracts with a one-time payment in your studio, please include in your terms that additional payments may arise, even though the payment is listed as "one-time". The reason for this can be rest periods, for example, which can make an additional payment necessary.