In this article you will learn how dynamic member lists work.
Quick Guide:
- Navigate to Members / Member Filter Lists.
- Create a new list or select an existing one.
- Adjust the parameters as needed to change the list composition.
- Regularly check the list to ensure data accuracy.
Overview of Member Lists
Member lists in Magicline are a useful tool for organizing different groups of members based on specific criteria. You can use them for marketing campaigns, event planning, or simply for better member management.
How does dynamic updating work?
Member filter lists in Magicline are dynamically updated. This means that the lists automatically add new members or remove existing members based on the established criteria or parameters. These updates occur in real-time as soon as a member meets or no longer meets the criteria.
Parameters that influence the lists
The dynamic nature of the member lists is determined by various parameters that you can set when creating or editing the list. These parameters can include demographic data, member status, contract start date, and many other criteria. By adjusting these parameters, you can ensure that the list always contains the most up-to-date information and automatically adapts to changes in the member database.