This article is about: Setting up and using your sales tool in the Magicline.
Quick guide on how to create a new offer:
Settings / Membership signing / Offer configuration
"Create Offer configuration"
How do I create an offer?
In the Settings / Membership signing / Offer configuration "Create offer configuration", the first thing you need to do is to create a new offer for your membership sale.
You must give the offer configuration a name and select an offer type.
After the offer has been created, you can view and edit your created offer under Settings / Membership signing / Membership offers . You can define included free inclusive modules and selectable free inclusive modules. Of course, you can also add additional modules to the offer, which can be done via the item runtimes. Define a term, then you can also add additional modules.
Starting the sale
After an offer has been set up, you have to click in the area of Leads in the main menu and then click on "Start sales tool". A new window will open.
Using the sales tool
Now you have the possibility to select all the packages you have set in the offers. Select an offer and define the payment method, usage start date and contract start date and click on continue.
After you have entered all the data, you will see a complete summary of the membership data. In addition, if you are working with a touchpad, you have the option of adding the customer's signature digitally to the contract. The customer can then simply sign with her/his finger or a touch pen.