In this article you will learn to: how to create and overview rates
Quick guide:
- Go to Settings / Membership management / Rates.
- Click on "New Rate" in the upper right corner.
- Enter the required information in the pop-up window.
Create new rate
In Magicline you can easily save and manage rates with a fixed duration. After you have created the general information about the rate, it is possible to store one or even several terms and to specify several payment methods for each term. The rates you have stored in the settings can be selected and assigned later when creating a member or even later in the data sheet of an existing member.
Go to: Settings / Membership management / Rates and then click on "New Rate" in the upper right corner.
Rate name and public rate name
A pop-up with different fields will open.
Rate name: Enter the name of your rate here, e.g. "Basic Paris 1". This name is internal and has only the purpose to help you to distinguish your different rates.
Public rate name: Enter here the public name of your rate, e.g. "Basic".
Contract for membership
Assign a contract document to the rate. By default, the default document is displayed. You can change it or create your own contract document under Settings / Membership management / Membership Contracts .
This contract document will be displayed in the sales tool during the contracting process associated with this rate.
Rate code
Rate codes help you organize your tariff portfolio. Create rate codes with a unique name and description and assign them to your rates. Give your rate codes meaningful names, such as association rate or trial membership.
In this field you can link your rate to a marketing campaign. Members subscribed to this rate will be identified as generated thanks to this marketing campaign.
Here you can specify the pre-contractual usage of the tariff. There are the following options:
None: You do not want your members to be allowed to train with you before the start of the contract.
For a fee: You allow your members to train with you before the start of the contract. In return, your members have to pay you a pro rata fee. For example, if your contract officially starts on 01.10. but you allow your members to train with you from 15.09. onwards, they will pay an additional half month's fee.
At no fee: You allow your members to train with you even before the start of the contract for free. Your members do not have to pay anything for the pre-contractual use.
Tax type and tax rate
If necessary, you can change the tax type and rate for your tariff here.
Check Rate
You can check your rates via Settings / Membership management / Rates , if you select the rate you want to check.
Deactivate rates
You can delete or deactivate your rates via the corresponding three-dot menu of the tariff.