XSD Schema
In order to correctly read the exported file and create the XML-file for importing the updated file, we provide you with the XSD Schema:
XSD for the exported debt collection run:
Please download at the end of the article the file spa_debt_transfer.xsd
XSD for importing changes:
Please download at the end of the article the file ml_pd_status_update.xsd
Notes on how to handle the files:
- DebtorID, voucherId and CCase identify a unique case for a unique member and must be persisted accordingly
- Fields that cannot be changed:
- OriginalAmount
- Currency
- For the import XML, the following equation must be true for each debt:
OriginalAmount = PaidAmount + RemainingAmount + CancelledAmount
- In the export XML, for each debtor, there's one CCaseId. For the import, all gathered CCaseID's must be specified. Example: If a debtor was handed over in three exports, the import must contain all three CCaseIds
- The cancelledAmount is the part of the claim that the debt collection agency is not accepting/buying. As a debt collection agency, set cancelledAmount to originalAmount to reject the entire claim.
For the import:
- When importing paid amounts for individual cases, always provide the entire amount paid. Updating the sum of the paid amount will create a payment of the difference of the same in the member's account.
- Uploading the same file twice does not have any effect on the debt collection cases
- The update XML contains the field Agency. The value must be External:
- When a case is closed at the debt collection agency, the XML must contain for the corresponding debtor a closure element, which indicates whether the debtor did pay (positive) or did not (negative). In case the debt collection agency cancelled the claim, the type is reversal.
Closure element: <Closure>
Debtor has paid: <Type>positive</Type>
Debtor has not paid: <Type>negative</Type>
Debt collection case cancelled: <Type>reversal</Type> - The debt collection agency can give the instruction wether a claim should be removed from the debtor account in the Magicline. Whether this actually happens, depends on the configuration of the Magicline.
<Options><WriteOffRemainingDebts /></Options>
Mapping of IDs
In some cases, the field names of the same expected value differ from the export and import schema. It is necessary that for the following fields, the same value is transmitted:
Client ID
Export: <ClientId>20xxx472</ClientId>
Import: <Client id=“20xxx472”>
Debtor ID
Export: <DebtorId>xxxxxxxxx-2a5b-464d-b02b-2f89f0efee35</DebtorId>
Import: <Debtor id=“xxxxxxxxx-2a5b-464d-b02b-2f89f0efee35">
C Case ID
Export: <CCaseId>xxxxxxxxx-2112-482b-aff6-14ae96020458</CCaseId>
Import: <CCaseId>xxxxxxxxx-2112-482b-aff6-14ae96020458</CCaseId>