- Option for paying module rates in arrears
- Magicline App: Highlight members on their birthday
- Add absences for multiple employees
- Improvement of the service display in the member view
- Cancellation link in class and appointment confirmation email
- Change home studio of members
- Member balance list (receivables and credit balances)
Option for paying module rates in arrears
The Magicline now provides an option to bill module rates at the end of the respective paid time period, in arrears. In case of an extraordinary cancellation, the module is partially canceled and becomes due on the cancellation date.
Magicline App: Highlight members on their birthday
From now on, members that have their birthday are highlighted in the check-in view and also in the course participants view in the Magicline App, so that trainers can congratulate them directly.
Note: The Magicline App is available from price tier Pro.
Add absences for multiple employees
From now on, you can add future absences directly for multiple employees in Magicline. This can facilitate time tracking and shift planning on holidays, for example.
Improvement of the service display in the member view
We have improved the display of active services in the member view. Within the service, it is now displayed what the benefit refers to and whether it is a trial offer or course offer, for example. In addition, the contingent type, the validity period and the number of uses are displayed. By clicking on the service, you can jump to the original service configuration to view more details.
Cancellation link in class and appointment confirmation email
From now on, you can include a link in your class and appointment confirmation email that allows participants to easily cancel the appointment with just one click. Simply use the placeholder #AppointmentCancelationlink in your email template.
Change home studio of members
From now on, you can change the home studio of selected members with the help of a new bulk operation. This is useful, for example, if members move to another city and want to train in a different branch there. With the bulk operation "Change home studio" all selected members will be assigned to the new studio, including claims and documents.
Member balance list (receivables and credit balances)
Magicline now provides an open item list that combines open receivables and credits. The list shows the member balance, i.e. the credit amount is subtracted from the open receivable amount of each member. Open Credit and Open Receivables are also listed individually and thus can be used as a substitute for the two individual lists "Open Receivables" and "Credit". To export the list, simply select the type "Member balance (receivables and credit balances)" when creating your export list.