In this article you will learn: How to use the Help Center in Magicline to quickly get answers to your questions.
Quick guide to using the functionality:
- Help and Support
- Then click on Overview
Quickly find answers to questions about using the Magicline with the Help Center
Our extensive collection of topics related to the functions of the Magicline is available to you through our Help Center. You can easily search for your topics using the search bar in the Help Center to find answers to your questions.
Tip: Search for short keywords, whole sentences usually do not lead to the expected result. Base your wording on the terms in the Magicline for the greatest success.
The most popular posts and articles at a glance
In addition to the search function, we present a compilation of the most frequently read articles in our Help Center. There you will find those articles that have been called up the most by our customers. Maybe one of these articles already addresses your issue?
The latest articles at a glance
In addition to the search function, we also offer you an overview of the latest articles in our Help Center, which mainly deal with the current functions of Magicline and possible changes.