In this article you will learn to: how to create equipment categories
Quick guide:
- Go to Resources / equipment / equipment category
- Create the equipment categories
- Go to resources / equipment / overview
- Create your different devices
To be able to use the appointment scheduling completely, you should store rooms, equipment categories and equipments in the Magicline. This way you can select these resources when creating appointment services, so that in the later appointment scheduling it can be checked automatically if the resource needed for an appointment is still available.
Create equipment categories
If you want to use the appointment management and the class plan, you first have to create equipment categories. A equipment category is the generic term for several equipments of one type.
Now create your first equipment category and save it. Then go to the menu item Equipment.
Create devices
After you have created your equipment categories, you have to create every single device that you want to use for the schedule management. In order to be able to create the equipments completely at this point, it is important that you have already created categories in the menu item Equipment category. Only then you can assign your newly created equipments to a category.
By clicking on Create device you open the dialog box.
Enter the number of your device and assign a unique name.
Now you assign the device to the Equipment category and click on Save.
Repeat this process until all devices are registered and assigned to the appropriate categories.