- Book additional modules for members directly from the Magicline app
- Simplification of contract extension for an indefinite period
Further updates
- Exclude minors from dept collection runs
- Revision of the communication center
- Notification in MySports for new body measurements
Minor updates / OPEN API updates
Book additional modules for members directly from the Magicline app
Upselling modules for your members is now more convenient than ever. Whether you're in a training session or a similar setting, take advantage of immediate upsell opportunities directly from your handheld device via the Magicline app.
Simplification of contract extension for an indefinite period
Rates can now be extended indefinitely. This simplifies the implementation of legal regulations.
Further updates
Exclude minors from dept collection runs
You can now exclude underage members from the collection run in a similar way to the dunning process.
Revision of the communication center
The dispatch center has been redesigned and now displays the individual menu items more clearly in one view.
Notification in MySports for new body measurements
After a successful body measurement, the member receives a push message directly on their phone.
Minor updates
- New training plan PDF print option in Magicline app
- Multilingual support for test phases of additional modules
- Revision of communication tasks (printing, sending, downloading,...) to newer technology
- Extension of the Connect API to include legally required prices (total price, monthly average price)
- Extension of the country configuration: nl_BE, fr_BE
Open API updates
- Endpoint extension of the OPEN API for replaying check-in data
- Expansion of the aggregator connection to include approval for specific studio locations