Further updates
Minor updates / OPEN API updates
Advanced security settings for employees
Function 1: Simply reset passwords and log out automatically after X minutes? No problem with the new security settings.
Function 2: You don't want your employees to have the Magicline open and visible to everyone? With the new function, you can log your employees out automatically in future - after 15 minutes, for example.
Fast Finance Link
Magicline introduces an efficient solution for payment processes: the Fast-Finance Link. This enables members to settle outstanding amounts quickly and easily using common methods such as credit card or PayPal and, if necessary, to enter a new means of payment, such as a SEPA mandate, in the same step. The new #FastFinanceLink and #FastFinanceLinkQrCode placeholders in communication templates allow the link to be seamlessly integrated into messages. An additional automatic notification rule ensures that members are automatically informed when payment methods need to be renewed. Studio owners using Magicline Payments can also create payment links directly in the member account for receivables and invoices.
These new features greatly simplify payment processing and offer more control and convenience. For more detailed information and guidance, visit the Help Center article.
Search function for settings
Find settings faster with the new search function.
Further updates
Total and average prices for online contracts
Create full-cost transparency on request with total and average prices on your Magicline websites and via the Connect API. The values are visible in the tariff overview and in the contract conclusion process. They always relate to all mandatory costs during the minimum contract term and help you to comply with any consumer protection requirements.
Optimized permissions management in the sales tool
We have optimized the permissions' management in the sales tool for you: Previously, a large number of specific authorizations from different areas were required for correct use, which occasionally led to missing rights. Our redesign simplifies this process: In addition to the (main) authorization to start the sales tool, there is now a single, fully comprehensive authorization for each main menu item in the sales tool. Existing roles have been automatically updated to the new, more user-friendly system.
Selecting the position of the recipient address
For our customers in Switzerland, it is now possible to choose the position of the recipient address in the letterhead. In the options of your letter designs, you can decide whether the recipient address should be positioned on the right or left side. With this new option, you can adapt the letters generated in your Magicline to the standard you use.
Usage period for usage services
Usage services that can be purchased via a device, instead of a single use, can now also be purchased for an adjustable usage period, for example to purchase a drinks flat rate for one day.
Integrate the end of the minimum contract term into your contract documents
From now on, you can optionally configure your contract documents so that the end date of the minimum contract term is also explicitly displayed. Do you want to know more? Watch out the Help Center article.
New permission: Edit past shift entries
To avoid the subsequent adjustment of shift entries for the benefit of time recording, a separate right for subsequent adjustment can now be assigned.
Minor updates
- Merging the new training world with the activity tile in the member
- Validation to prevent duplicate invoicing
- New connected hardware: PROMAG MF7, Honeywell Genesis 7580G, Honeywell Voyager 9540
- Link to the product portal and newsletter registration in the Service Center
- New placeholders: #CustomerIBANMasked, #SelfserviceApplicationChangesMasked
- New filter for the legal representative
- Expansion of the employee search to include the CardID
- Unsubscribe from e-mails with one mouse click
- Collection transfer journal
Open API updates
- Management of debt collection contracts via OPEN API