In this article you will learn: how to edit and create exercises
Quick guide to editing exercises:
Training world / Training content / Exercises
Select exercise to edit
Click on 3 dots icon and select Edit
Make changes and save
In Magicline you already have 500 training exercises at your disposal, which are provided with an exercise video. In addition, they contain information about the trained muscle group, the exercise type (e.g. barbell, kettlebell, etc.), a rough classification of the intended training level (exercise groups: beginner, advanced, professional), load parameters and a detailed exercise description.
Search exercise
You can search for exercises using the filter within the exercise list. Either enter the name of the exercise or use one or more filters. You can sort by muscle groups, exercise types or training level and additionally use the checkbox to decide whether you also want to see exercises that you have deactivated.
Disable and enable exercises
It is possible that you do not want to use all exercises for the workout planning. Therefore you have the possibility to deactivate exercises. Then they will not be displayed anymore within the training plan builder. To deactivate an exercise, go to Training world / Training content / Exercises and click on the three-dot menu in the row of the corresponding exercise. Here you can select the option Deactivate.
If you want to reactivate a deactivated exercise, you can also do this via the three-dot menu under the option Activate.
Creating exercises
If you want to create a new exercise, you can do this by clicking the Create exercise button on the right above the exercise list. First define the name for the exercise, then select the trained muscle group, the exercise type and exercise groups (e.g. training level beginner, advanced, professional). If an exercise trains many muscle groups, you can mark it as a full-body exercise. To do this, simply tick the checkbox that appears. Then select which parameters are useful for the exercise to control the load. After you have clicked Next, you can upload a picture or an exercise video in the next step. Use the drag-and-drop function and drag the files into the corresponding field. Finally, add an exercise description, divided into preparation, execution and tips. With the last click on Save the exercise is created.
The information of the created exercises can be accessed at any time within your exercise list. The member will find this information on the exercise detail page within the MySports app.
Edit exercises
Of course you can edit newly created exercises. To do this, go to Training world / Training content / Exercises in your Magicline. There you will see a detailed list of the exercises available to you, including the above mentioned parameters . Click on the exercise to open the corresponding exercise detail page.
In the three-dot menu on the far right in the row of the exercise you can make adjustments via Edit. Then you will see all the information that has been assigned to the exercise and can edit it. Click on Save to apply all changes.
Preset exercises cannot be edited in terms of content. However, you have the option of deactivating them and then creating a similar exercise according to your needs.